
Friday, 30 October 2015

Getting Started Is Hard

So last time I talked about brainstorming, and so I have Ideas that are pretty worked out, but the problem is getting started, I just don't feel motivated to write. But I plan on changing that, my plan to change that is to just write for 10-30 mins everyday, I doudt it will make sense the first time around, but hopefully I'll finish and be able to rewrite it and remove and rework things, as well as make it more desriptive and developed.

Friday, 16 October 2015

Passion Project 2.0: Brainstorming

So I have been spending the last two weeks brainstorming ideas. I have to say that I have a fairlly decent amount of ideas. The problem is deciding on which one to use, should I write what I know and tak the route of fantasy and magic or do I write historical fiction which stopps me to a degree cause that requires research and "historically accuracy". also another problem is that they al kind of steal peices from each other

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

A New Passion Project

For my passion project I plan to write a story and make it great. I chose this project because I like stories and enjoy writing, and I wanted to do something very different from my previous project. I plan to do this by justing writing and putting my thoughts out there, currently I do not have a mentor though so yeah.